Thursday, March 9, 2006

Dearest Mama

Dearest Mama
If you were here today
To share my bundle of joy
This gift and blessing, a dove
Adorable face smile daily
Bestow unwavering love
A bond upon my brow
Awaiting love from you above

Dearest Mama
I wish you were here today
To fix a kiss on my child
Hold him closely in your arms
Cuddle him when he cries from harm
Icon of grace and faith appraised
My baby knows not a daddy’s praise
Gift of life and light profiled

Dearest Mama
I gazed up again and again today
The stars are not white
I sing and call with all my might
Your wounds of war burnt by the sun
Damage to your eyes be gone; no scars
Aches by rebels calm as moonlit
That your smiles may light the stars

Dearest Mama
If you could come today
Not to give gold, textiles, argyle
But that sweet motherly style
To my son, your grandchild a smile
Today, I see you smiling with delight
I pray, Mama to be a mom like you
Watch us always with heaven’s light