Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Birthday Prayer For My Son

Today makes it four years
You first opened your eyes; our eyes met
From that day, four years ago
I saw in you my paradise,
That day the sky wore my rainbow

Four years ago
I looked into your beautiful eyes
Innocent, adorable, a big ray of hope
A delightful child, one of enlightenment
Like a prayer unfolded in my arms

Today you are four years old
A special gift from me to you
A little prayer for your birthday
To the giver of life, love, and The healer
To intercede, and keep watch over you

Dear God, I come before you
I’m on my knees, head bowed
To lift in prayer, my beloved son
Whom you placed in my care
On this day, four years ago

In celebration of his birthday
I lift him up to you today
Give him Angels to watch and protect him
Set right all milestones and skills
Mend all areas in his life with your blessings

Thank you God for this day
A beautiful and blessed birthday for my son
May all his dreams flower and bloom
Embrace him with love, directing his path
Guide him everyday, all through every night

Thank you dear God
For holding my son in the palm of your hands
Raising him above all setbacks, and trials
No more delays; always Good health, peace, and joy
For this child I love with my every heart beat

For you my beloved son,
I say, Happy fourth birthday to you!
I raise my glass to wish you well today, and always
You are always loved, wanted, and appreciated
So, from this day forth, let your light shine, my Prince!