Monday, May 7, 2012

Blessed Assurance

© Musue N. Haddad

Up on top of the hilly path
Down the end of the slope
Deep valley on the rocky path,
Feet worn, torn; crudely bruised
Fingers, hands toiled, overly used
Along the narrow crooked road
Rivers flowing for many miles
And there isn’t a footpath
Left and right, there’s warpath
Inches from scorching bloodbath
Weary heart noisily pounding
Standing; a deserted highway
Then, at that precise moment
There was a glorious presence
Up and above, fully radiance
Air filled with flowery fragrance
A profound, but serene silence
Vengeance swooped to a distance
Cause, vengeance is not mine
Taken care of by thy presence
The essence of the precious moment
Separate grievance from substance
Soothing words echoed; pleasance
Dazzling sublime blessed assurances
Awe-inspiring, humbling joyance,
Guidance, victory and reverence
And that was a truly good riddance
Enriches the heart, a beatific guidance
A beautiful, blessed assurance

Copyright © Musue N. Haddad