Monday, May 30, 2011


© Musue N. Haddad

Hey you, you Monitors!
Vile mephistophelean Monitors.
Proudly engage in ghoulish activities
Months, days, years, oh yes
Clumsily diligent for too long
Or awkwardly, boldly deficient?
For what purpose?
With pride, you diligently throng
Devious actions, behaviors fervent
But I tell you,
Yesterday marked your end,
You’re permanently exposed!
Your vulnerability and termination
Malveillant works, hosts, deposed
So are your âmedamnées, and cronies
Deceptive, imposing, inferior
Destructive, baleful activities
Your mystery, cycle and mechanism
Projections and soullish desires
Shattered, ended, finished, kapoot!
By the Utmost, Superior authority
We revoke and negate your works
You're stripped of influence, power
Desensitized, permanently disorganized
All malicious weapons destroyed
And reversal of your works, activities
Restoration and restitution are ours
We’re free, oh yes
Flawlessly released from you, yours
Spotless, empowered, radiating
Delightful peace, blissfully breezing
In every dimensions of our lives

Copyright © Musue N. Haddad
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