Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Oh, brother, my dear brother!
Your death leaves me powerless
In tears and defenseless; yet conscious
A pain that surpasses all deaths
Beyond the deaths of Mama and Poppa

My heart is worn and torn
Not just a feeling of grief
In tears I write; hurt, anger, betrayal
A wounded and tattered heart
Overtaken by heartless thieves

All memories of our lives taken away
Loves in our hearts stolen
Substituted by chains of sorrows
Destruction perpetuated by evil men
Consuming us all days and at nights

Like Mama and Poppa, not a photo to look upon
Heirlooms deliberately destroyed
Just the photo of you in my mind
Just images of you my beloved big brother
I hold the memories that fill my mind

‘Time lessens grief,' they say
This statement is others’ relief
For me, this time, it is completely untrue
A myth; time will never heal your death
I am like an enraged lioness

Your death tells men’s evil against humanity
Policies wittingly ignored by organizations
Governments not for the people
A world that abhors collaboration
Promoting competition, division and sheer greed

I shall hold this grief in my heart and hands
A true, pure grief that is painfully beautiful
It’s the memory that I will cherish Mamadee
Pass on to your nephew, never to let go
And seek you out till my dying day, Brother

(My brother died in January of 2006 and I was not informed about his death until February 19, 2006)

1 comment:

  1. some of your poems are very touchy.
    i just realized the kind woman you are after reading articles.
    you really have big heart.
    Remain Blessed.


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